Improvements and New Concepts for Traffic Control in Work Zones. Volume 1. Four-Lane Divided Highways.
Author/Presenter: Dudek, Conrad L.; Richards, Stephen H.; Buffington, Jesse L.Abstract:
Nine case field studies were conducted on four-lane divided highways in Texas and Oklahoma to evaluate two alternative traffic control approaches: single-lane closure in one direction vs. a crossover with two-lane, two way traffic operations (TLTWO). The following variables were studied: (1) worker productivity, (2) job duration, (3) concentration costs, (4) traffic control device costs, (5) highway user costs, (6) accidents, (7) conflicts, and (8) capacity.
Publisher: Federal Highway Administration
Publication Date: 1985
Topics: Temporary Traffic Control
Publication Date: 1985
Notes: Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries).
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Temporary Traffic Control