Instructors Urge Students to Read the Signs and Slow down in Work Zones
Abstract:Many Iowa driver education instructors will be emphasizing work zone safety in classrooms this school year. Teachers are incorporating “A Sudden Change of Plans,” a work zone safety curriculum designed by the Iowa Department of Transportation, to help young drivers learn the importance of reading the signs and slowing down in work zones. More than 300 packets were sent to Iowa driver education instructors this fall. Included in the packet are a curriculum guide for teachers, student manual and a training video, all aimed at breaking down teen misperceptions that work zone crashes won’t involve them. Topics covered in the curriculum include common teenage distractions, Iowa laws relating to traffic violations in work zones, and examples of recent work zone crashes involving teens.
Publication Date: October 25, 2001
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Driver Education; Merging Control; Work Zone Safety