Legislators Respond to Highway Safety Concerns
Author/Presenter: Jenkins, Evan; Plymale, Bob; Craig, Kevin; Howard, Greg; Perdue, Don; Leach, Margarette; Smirl, Jody; Morgan, Jim; Sobonya, KelliAbstract:
Following the recent Town Hall Meeting on Interstate 64 highway safety, area legislators met to discuss the issues raised and concerns expressed about highway safety in the area. Already law enforcement at every level has added additional patrols, road work is being done in off-peak hours and police cruisers with lights flashing have been positioned at the beginning of work zones. The local legislative delegation has reached consensus on a range of initiatives including: speed limit reduction, repairs of damaged cable barriers, enhanced signage, maintaining highway safety funding, cable barriers extensions, lane extensions, a lower DUI limit, and an enhanced criminal penalty for DUI deaths.
Publication Date: January 6, 2004
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Law Enforcement; Laws and Legislation; Work Zone Safety