Making Work Zones Work Better: The Final Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility
Author/Presenter: Scriba, TracyAbstract:
On 9 September 2004, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) updated CFR 630 Subpart J, the rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility (the Rule). The Rule, an updated version of the “Traffic Safety in Highway and Street Work Zones”, provides a decision-making framework for considering the broader safety and mobility impacts of work zones across all stages of a project. The updated regulation will also facilitate the implementation of appropriate strategies to help manage those impacts. Furthermore, it emphasizes partnerships between FHWA and the States, valuing adaptability and elasticity so that agencies can apply the provisions appropriately to their respective operating circumstances and serve the needs of various kinds of projects. The end result is that work zones will work better, and safety and mobility will increase.
Publication Date: 2005
The Clearinghouse has a copy of the item.
Topics: Laws and Legislation; Mobility; Work Zone Safety