McCall Plays Role in Launching Safer Work Zones National Work Zone Awareness Week begins
Abstract:State Rep. Keith McCall joined Pennsylvania Secretary of Transportation Allen Biehler and others from the legislature, the Pennsylvania State Police and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, to mark the start of National Work Zone Awareness Week in Pennsylvania. Work-zone safety legislation, which McCall, as Democratic chairman of the House Transportation Committee, helped write and shepherd through the House and Senate, was the focus of Monday’s event. The law (Act 229 of 2002) toughens penalties for work-zone violations in Pennsylvania, including a 15-day suspension for motorists who are caught speeding 11 miles per hour or more above the posted speed limit in an active work zone. Additionally, the law addresses driver complacency by limiting the scope of construction projects. As a further protection for workers, motorists also are being asked to turn on vehicle headlights in work zones. As a courtesy, motorists may just want to make a habit of turning on vehicle headlights in all active work zones. This helps workers understand where motorists are in relation to safety barriers and to the work site. According to McCall, the timing of National Work Zone Awareness Week serves as a reminder to all motorists that highway maintenance and construction season is getting underway.
Publication Date: April 8, 2003
Topics: Laws and Legislation; Safety Campaigns; Speeding; Work Zone Safety