MDOTs Final Report: Permission to Experiment – 6(09)-35 (E) – Driveway Assistance Device
Abstract:On July 23, 2015, MDOT submitted a request to test and evaluate Horizon Signals Driveway Assistance Device. This full report documents MDOT projects and the findings and recommendations based on the conducted study. The five test locations have been included in detail as supplement reports to MDOT’s Final Report Permission to Experiment – 6(09)-35 (E) – Driveway Assistance Device.
A driveway assisted device (DAD) is a temporary traffic control device used to direct traffic entering a one-lane work zone from a driveway. The signal heads displayed by a DAD in normal use are solid red, flashing left arrow, and flashing right arrow. The DAD is used in conjunction with temporary traffic signals on projects maintaining one lane of bi-directional traffic.This report aims to share observations on the DAD devices on studies conducted by MDOT. From MDOT’s observation’s the DADs are meeting their intended objective of maintaining driveway traffic in a work zone operated by temporary signals.
Publication Date: 2021
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Driveway Assistance Devices; Evaluation and Assessment; Temporary Traffic Control; Work Zones