Napa Transportation Management Plan (TMP): Final Report
Abstract:The Napa River/Napa Creek Flood Protection Project-the largest public works improvement project ever undertaken in Napa County-combined with the capital improvement projects for the area’s State highways has the potential of seriously impacting how the area’s transportation system would function over the next seven to eight years. These capital improvement projects will provide tremendous benefit to the public once they are all completed, but the impacts on the area’s transportation system need to be managed during the extended construction period.
The Napa Transportation Management Plan (TMP) is multi-agency project effort that coordinates the actions of the various project sponsors during this extended construction period. Combined with the ongoing effort of the individual sponsors of the various construction projects, the Napa TMP is conceived to help manage the transportation impacts of these multiple, overlapping construction projects in order to maintain an acceptable quality of life in Napa, i.e. maintaining mobility, circulation, and access.
The Napa TMP has the following key project objectives:
- Minimize the impacts of traffic congestion and delay during the construction of public improvement projects
- Promote public safety by minimizing potential construction-related traffic incidents and accidents
- Get the word out to the general public about the multiple construction projects
- Maintain mobility, access, and circulation for the economic viability of business enterprises in Napa
Publication Date: 2001
The clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Road Construction; Transportation Management Plans