Olympic Gold Medalist Dominique Dawes Shines Spotlight on Roadway Construction Zone Crashes Involving Teenage Drivers: Gymnast Speaks at National Work Zone Awareness Week Event
Abstract:More than 1,000 people were killed and 37,000 injured in roadway construction zone accidents during 2001. Dominique Dawes, an Olympic champion came to the Nation’s Capital April 8 to help focus attention on this public safety problem. Dawes joined safety officials for an event to draw attention and commemorate those killed in roadway construction sites as part of “National Work Zone Awareness Week.” It included a display of 1,000 highway cones, draped with either a black ribbon representing motorists or a yellow-green ribbon representing highway construction workers killed during 2001.
Publisher: American Road & Transportation Builders Association
Publication Date: April 8, 2003
Topics: Safety Campaigns; Work Zone Safety
Publication Date: April 8, 2003
Notes: The clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Publication Types: Clearinghouse News Releases
Topics: Safety Campaigns; Work Zone Safety