Overview of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Part 6: Temporary Traffic Control
Abstract:This module introduces students to the MUTCD, its importance in achieving uniformity nation-wide and its levels of compliance. It emphasizes how uniformity in TTC helps improve the safety of both highway users and workers. The module introduces students to the MUTCD’s seven fundamental principles of TTC and how to use them in achieving work zone safety and mobility. The module will also address component parts of typical work zones and their minimum requirements in accordance with the MUTCD: Advance Warning Area, Transition (including tapers), Activity Area (traffic spaces and buffers) and Termination Area.
Modules Covered:
– levels of compliance
– seven fundamental principles of Temporary Traffic Control,
– components of Traffic Control Zones
– advance warning sign spacing,
– tapers,
– buffers,
– traffic control devices,
– work duration, and
– typical applications
Planning and Design
Target Audience:
This module is intended for instructors in higher education and vocational schools that will be teaching a variety of design, operations, or construction courses at both the college level and vocational school level to teach work zone skills that employers would like new engineers to have.
Presentation with speaker notes
Publication Date: 2015
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Presentations
Topics: Temporary Traffic Control