Photometric Requirements for Arrow Panels
Author/Presenter: Wooldridge, Mark D.; Finley, Melisa; Denholm, John; Mace, Douglas; Patrick, BenedictAbstract:
Arrow panels are often used in work zones to inform drivers of the need for a lane change or caution on the part of the driver. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requires that Type C arrow panels have a minimum legibility distance of 1 mile. The MUTCD does not provide an objective means for determining whether an arrow panel meets this criteria, nor are there industry photometric standards for message panels. The performance of Type C arrow panels was reviewed and photometric standards were developed to establish performance requirements. Photometric test methods were developed and recommended for use in evaluating the performance of arrow panels. This report provides documentation for the standards and procedures recommended, including results and descriptions of the field testing performed.
Publication Date: June 2001
Topics: Arrow Panels; Traffic Control Devices