Reaching Out to Peers: FHWA Establishes Program for MUTCD Questions
Abstract:With more than 1,000 pages of standard guidance and options, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) can be overwhelming. The need for assistance in using the MUTCD, as well as in answering other questions related to traffic control devices, has led the FHWA to establish a Peer-to-Peer program on Traffic Control Devices (P2P TCD). FHWA is providing this service at no charge to state and local agencies. The P2P TCD program is designed to provide a system that allows transportation officials to confidently locate the answers to their questions. The P2P TCD program will assemble a network of knowledgeable volunteers from across the country who possess expertise in specific areas related to traffic control devices and who can assist local, regional and state representatives with questions associated with these devices. The purpose of this program is to:
Provide free, short-term assistance to public agencies in matters related to traffic control devices
Address specific technical issues pertaining to the MUTCD and to related innovative and emerging technologies
Create a dialogue among professionals throughout the transportation community
Contribute to improved safety and mobility throughout the transporrtaion system
Publication Date: May 2003
Topics: Standards; Traffic Control Devices