Report on Emergency Access Openings in Soundwalls and Concrete Median Barriers
Author/Presenter: Wilson, Pete; Covitz, Carl D.; van Loben Sels, James W.Abstract:
House Resolution No. 15, adopted March 30, 1991, requested that the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) conduct a study to determine the need and consider standards for installing removable sections in concrete median barriers and keyed steel doors in soundwalls to provide access for emergency personnel. Caltrans’ findings and recommendations were to be reported to the Legislature. A copy of the Resolution is in Appendix A. The conclusion of the report is that there is a need for emergency access openings in some soundwalls and concrete median barriers.
Publisher: California Department of Transportation
Publication Date: 1992
Topics: Barriers (Roads); Traffic Control Devices
Publication Date: 1992
Notes: The clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Barriers (Roads); Traffic Control Devices