Retroreflectivity: Raising the Nighttime Brightness of Traffic Signs and Markings
Author/Presenter: Hatzi, PeterAbstract:
Retroreflective sign sheeting and pavement marking paints degrade with effects of weather and traffic. In a highway environment, retroreflectivity is important because it promotes efficient traffic flow, driving comfort and highway safety. The goal of this project is to improve the in-service performance of traffic signs and markings by creating tools, retroreflectometer equipment for measuring the nighttime visibility of signs and markings for the purpose of:
– Development and commercialization of tools for measuring sign and pavement marking retroreflectivity
– Encouraging the implementation of guidelines nationwide by providing workshops on the guidelines and the technology.
– Encouraging implementation of sign and pavement marking management programs in state and local highway agencies.
Publication Date: 2003
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Presentations
Topics: Pavement Markings; Retroreflectivity; Traffic Signs