Road Construction Zones to Become More Hazardous Than Ever
Author/Presenter: Martin, W.C.Abstract:
While federal stimulus funds have made it possible for more highway construction projects, it brought more potential hazards. 767 people were injured in 1278 work zone collisions in 2009, which represents the third highest number of fatalities and the largest number of injuries and work zone collisions in a decade. The most common causes of accidents are due to driving too fast, following too close and driver inattention. Some of the most common distractions include using a cell phone, texting, reading maps, and using PDAs or navigation systems, etc.
Source: The City Sentinel
Publication Date: June 3, 2010
Topics: Crash Causes; Crash Data; Work Zone Safety
Publication Date: June 3, 2010
Publication Types: News and Other Non-research Articles
The Clearinghouse has a copy of the item.
Topics: Crash Causes; Crash Data; Work Zone Safety