Road Warrior Q&A: Double Fines Work
Author/Presenter: Squires, MichaelAbstract:
Question: When are the double penalties for work-zone speeders in effect’ Answer: Double fines for speeding in work zones apply only when workers are present and only if there are signs designating the area as a double-penalty work zone. The law that instituted the higher penalty for speeding in work zones was passed by the Legislature in 1997 at the urging of the Nevada Department of Transportation, after one of the department’s employees was killed in a Las Vegas work zone. The department also has used its “Give ’em a Brake” campaign to make motorists more aware of the dangers roadside workers face and encourage them to slow down.
Publication Date: February 21, 2001
The clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Fines; Laws and Legislation; Penalties; Speeding