Speed Limits Lowered in High-Speed Work Zones
Abstract:Lower speed limits for certain work zones on interstate and other multi-lane highways became effective today, June 1, 2001. The Iowa Department of Transportation announced the change, which will affect construction and maintenance work zones on interstates and other highways that have a 60 mph or 65 mph speed limit under normal conditions. The lower speed limits will be in effect when one or more of the lanes are closed, and workers are present. The speed limit in these work zones will be 55 mph, and will be marked with special signs in many of the short-term lane closures. These signs will be black on white, have two attached flags, and can be rolled up when workers are not present. When no workers are present, the maximum allowable speed will revert to the normal posted limit.
Publication Date: June 1, 2001
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Speed Control; Speed Limits