Speedcheck Radar Speed Signs Increase Work Zone Safety for Medford’s Department of Public Works: Speed Displays Prove Highly Effective at Slowing Traffic During Road Projects that Put Workers and Drivers at Risk
Abstract:After a successful experiment with a speedcheck radar speed sign on a street repair project to slow down drivers and increase worker safety, the city of Medford, Oregon, now regularly uses speedcheck radar speed signs to increase work zone safety whenever traffic speeds are an issue.
Source: PRWeb
Publication Date: January 25, 2010
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Topics: Speed Control; Variable Speed Limit Systems; Work Zone Safety
Publication Date: January 25, 2010
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: News and Other Non-research Articles
This item is no longer available on the PRWeb website. The same contents are posted on the website above.
Topics: Speed Control; Variable Speed Limit Systems; Work Zone Safety