The Elimination or Mitigation of Hazards Associated With Pavement Edge Dropoffs During Roadway Resurfacing
Author/Presenter: Humphreys, Jack B.; Parham, J. AlanAbstract:
Shoulders are used on U.S. highways as a safety feature. They are required to meet specifications for width and stability. However, roadways are often resurfaced and the shoulders are not brought up to the new roadway level. This can lead to tires dropping off the pavement edge and possibly to a collision. This study was performed to determine the extent of the pavement edge dropoff problem and recommend changes in contract scope or performance that will eliminate or mitigate such occurrences.
Publisher: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
Publication Date: February 1, 1994
Topics: Hazards; Pavement Dropoffs
Publication Date: February 1, 1994
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Hazards; Pavement Dropoffs