The National Incident Management System — A Workbook for State Department of Transportation Frontline Workers — Supervisor Instructions
Abstract:The National Incident Management System — A Workbook for State Department of Transportation Frontline Workers is designed to provide State Departments of Transportation front-line employees with basic information concerning the National Response Framework, the National Incident Management System, and the Incident Command System. This Supervisor Instructions includes a brief summary of the Workbook and provides the answer key to the review questions included in the Workbook.
Publisher: Federal Highway Administration
Publication Date: September 2009
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Manuals, Policies, Guidelines, and Handbooks, etc.
Topics: Incident Management
Publication Date: September 2009
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Manuals, Policies, Guidelines, and Handbooks, etc.
Topics: Incident Management