To Lessen Work Zone Impacts: Try TMPs
Author/Presenter: Scriba, Tracy; Symoun, Jennifer; Beasley, Kari AdkinsAbstract:
Transportation management plans (TMPs) can help States identify and coordinate strategies to increase safety and minimize impacts caused by work zones. The article is based on findings from interviews with five State agencies to learn more about their TMP development practices and how TMP implementation has affected their work zones. It includes a discussion of successful TMP strategies, benefits of developing TMPs, TMP development tips, and additional TMP development resources. The State representatives interviewed for this article unanimously agreed that they have seen positive change in the way work zone impacts are assessed and managed as a result of TMPs.
Volume: 74
Issue: 2
Publication Date: September/October 2010
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: News and Other Non-research Articles
Topics: Best Practices; Temporary Traffic Control; Traffic Control Plans