Toolbox of Low-Cost Work Zone Management Strategies
Abstract:The Toolbox of Low-Cost Work Zone Management Strategies was developed under the 2016 Federal Highway Administration Work Zone Safety Grant No. 693JJ31750003 awarded to Iowa State University.
Low-cost work zone management strategies consist of countermeasures for safety and/or operational improvement that cost $50,000 or less per work zone. Such strategies range from conventional traffic control devices to state-of-the-art technology. This toolbox document provides a catalog of 33 low-cost management strategies that may be used for safety and/or operational improvements in work zones. The toolbox document provides examples of current uses for each strategy in the form of case studies, effective practices, standards and specifications, typical applications, and other relevant materials. A strategy identification tool is also provided to help identify work zone scenarios that are appropriate for each strategy. The strategies are categorized within the toolbox document as follows:
- General strategies, which have applications across many types of work zones;
- Strategies used for the regulation of traffic or to enhance the regulation of traffic;
- Pavement marking strategies that are used to enhance the delineation of traffic lanes; and
- Strategies used to manage speeds or limit exposure for workers or motorists.
Publication Date: 2021
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Manuals, Policies, Guidelines, and Handbooks, etc.
Topics: Changeable Message Signs; Countermeasures; Detection and Identification; Dynamic Lane Merge Systems; Inspection; Intrusion Alarms; Law Enforcement; Lighting; Pilot Cars; Portable Traffic Signals; Road Closure; State of the Practice; Temporary Pavement Markings; Temporary Rumble Strips; Temporary Traffic Control; Traffic Control Devices; Variable Speed Limit Systems; Warning Systems; Work Zone Safety; Work Zones