Tort Liability: Special Problems Encountered by Highway Agencies and Contractors in Designing Work Zone Layouts
Author/Presenter: Oliver, David C.Abstract:
The principles of tort liability apply generally, whether the case is one of design, maintenance, or construction. All case principles are, therefore, applicable and lessons may be learned from nonconstruction zone cases. In another sense, however, construction zones present special problems in that they are at variance with the motorist’s normal expectations. Thus, adequate warning devices and barrier safeguards are required. The question of adequacy in tort law discussion usually takes place in the negative, which further complicates the subject. That is to say, most of the cases discuss what is not adequate; what is adequate remains a vague item in terms of legal discussion. In light of this, this paper discusses some general principles, some considerations involving federal regulations or programs, and some recent cases that provide first-hand knowledge of judicial treatment of the topic at hand. (Author)
Volume: 693
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Publication Date: 1978
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Barriers (Roads); Tort Liability; Traffic Control Devices; Traffic Control Plans; Work Zone Safety