Traffic Control for Short Duration and Stop-And-Go Maintenance Operations on Four-Lane Divided Roadways
Author/Presenter: Dudek, Conrad L.; Ullman, Gerald L.; Balke, Kevin N.; Krammes, Raymond A.Abstract:
The report summarizes the results of research conducted to develop and evaluate reduced traffic control set-ups for short duration and stop-and-go maintenance operations on four-lane, divided highways. Several candidate signing treatments were developed and compared to the standard Texas Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). Comparisons were made of (1) the effect of the signing treatments on where drivers exited the closed lane and (2) the manpower and time requirements for the set-up and removal. Study results indicate that a changeable message sign or a Texas ‘LANE BLOCKED’ sign placed 1500 ft before the cone taper results in drivers exiting the closed lane farther upstream than other signing treatments or the TMUTCD treatment. Studies of the set-up and removal times for the TMUTCD and the ‘LANE BLOCKED’ treatments show that the ‘LANE BLOCKED’ treatment requires significantly less time to install and remove than the TMUTCD treatment.
Publication Date: March 1988
Topics: Maintenance Practices; Short Duration; Temporary Traffic Control