Work Zone Mobility and Safety Self Assessment 2009 National Report
Abstract:To help States evaluate their work zone practices, and to help assess work zone practices nationally, the Federal Highway Administration developed the Work Zone Mobility and Safety Self Assessment (WZSA) tool. The WZSA tool consists of a set of 46 questions designed to assist those with work zone management responsibilities in assessing their programs, policies, and procedures against many of the good work zone practices in use today. The policies, strategies, processes, and tools identified in the WZSA were gathered from the best practices currently in place in State departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, and local municipalities. Many of the items can be found in the Work Zone Best Practices Guidebook. This report shows the national results for the 51 Divisions/States that provided responses to the 2009 WZSA.
Publication Date: October 2009
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Best Practices; Evaluation and Assessment; Mobility; Performance Measurement; Temporary Traffic Control; Work Zone Safety