Work Zone Traffic Control for Local Roads
Author/Presenter: Hager, Thomas B.Abstract:
The purpose of this workbook is to provide the fundamental concepts of work zone traffic control and proper flagging techniques. Guidelines included here are designed to cover the basic requirements of The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). In New York State, the MUTCD is the combination of the National MUTCD with the NYS Supplement to the National MUTCD. This workbook emphasizes short-term work sites on rural and small urban roads and streets. This information was developed to accompany a one-day training course, Work Zone Traffic Control for Local Roads offered by the Cornell Local Roads Program.
Publisher: Cornell Local Roads Program
Publication Date: 2008
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Manuals, Policies, Guidelines, and Handbooks, etc.
Topics: Flagging; Temporary Traffic Control
Publication Date: 2008
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Manuals, Policies, Guidelines, and Handbooks, etc.
Topics: Flagging; Temporary Traffic Control