Advanced Maintenance of Traffic
Advanced Maintenance of Traffic qualification is required for any person responsible for the design of work zone traffic control site-specific plans to route roadway users including pedestrians and bicyclists safely around work operations. Responsibilities include:
- Produce clear and concise temporary traffic control plans including barriers
- Develop Transportation Management Plans
- Consult with Traffic Operations during construction operations expected to impact daily traffic flows
- Consult Public Information Officers to provide messages to public concern significant construction projects
- Follow guidance in Construction Project Administration Manual
- Reference appropriate Standard Plans Index and necessary modifications
- Develop clear plan notes and specifications for temporary traffic control
- Develop plans and notes to clearly identify work zone phasing
- Ability to operate as Worksite Traffic Supervisor
- Develop cost estimates for work zone implementation
A successful completion of this course includes flagging exercise and answering at least 70% of exam questions correctly on proctored exam. Upon completion, qualification will be emailed by FDOT’s MOT administrator. Qualification expires four years after the date of successful completion.
Provider: University of Florida Transportation Institute, Transportation Technology Transfer Center
Certification: Yes
Length: 20 hrs.
Languages: English
Locations: Florida (FL)
Website: Link to URL
Record Types: Courses and Programs
Topics: Temporary Traffic Control
Certification: Yes
Length: 20 hrs.
Languages: English
Locations: Florida (FL)
Website: Link to URL
Record Types: Courses and Programs
Topics: Temporary Traffic Control