NHI Innovations: Work Zone Assessment, Data Collection, and Performance Measurement
Managing traffic during construction is necessary to minimize traffic delays, maintain or improve motorist and worker safety, complete roadwork in a timely manner, and maintain access for businesses and residents. Work zone traffic management strategies need to be identified based on the project constraints, construction phasing/staging plan, type of work zone, and anticipated work zone impacts. But how would you know if your work zones are operating as safely and efficiently as anticipated? A Domestic Scan (NCHRP 08-04) was conducted during March 2010 to determine traffic monitoring, data usage and management practices being applied in the United States to address safety and congestion impacts in work zones. Four main themes were targeted during the scan: What measures are agencies using to assess the safety and efficiency of their work zones? How are agencies collecting the data for these measures? How are agencies using this data in assessing impacts? How are agencies using this data to evaluate and improve their processes and procedures? This session provides an overview of the findings and recommendations from the Scan. In addition, there are presentations providing more details on one or more specific practices/processes encountered during the Scan.
Length: 1.5 hr.
Languages: English
The webinar was held on September 16, 2010.
Topics: Data Collection; Impacts; Performance Measurement