Flagger Training
This course has been designed to meet the PennDOT Publication 408 flagger training requirements mandated for all flaggers in Pennsylvania. The course covers flagging procedures, work zone set-up requirements, and traffic control devices based on information from PennDOT Publication 213—Temporary Traffic Control Guidelines, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and PennDOT Publication 234—Flagging Handbook.
The course covers development of traffic control plans for flagging, use of typical layout figures from the Publication 213, and flagger visibility/procedures. The course emphasizes teaching work zone traffic control guidelines and set-ups for typical municipal and utility work. All attendees who pass (70%) a 20-question exam will receive a flagger training wallet card, which is valid for three years.
Certification: Yes
Length: 3 hrs.
Languages: English
Locations: Pennsylvania (PA)
Website: Link to URL
Check Educational Calendar for upcoming course schedule.
Topics: Flagging