Signs & Pavement Markings Technician Level I
This certification program provides an introduction to the latest technology, materials, and rules and regulations that are used for the installation and maintenance of signs and pavement markings on today’s roadways. Accepted industry standards and practices are covered in detail such as the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and how to use it, the various types of signs and pavement markings, and their application and how they interact with one another. Additional subject matter includes tort and risk liability, work zone safety, school zones, bike lanes, equipment maintenance, asset management, visibility and retroreflectivity, and environmental safety. An exam is included at the conclusion of the program which upon passing certification is issued.
Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Technician Certification or equivalent as approved by the IMSA Education & Certification Manager. One year of field traffic operations experience.
Certification: Yes
Languages: English
Locations: All states
Website: Link to URL
Record Types: Courses and Programs
Topics: Pavement Markings; Traffic Signs