T3 Webinar: Saving Lives and Keeping Traffic Moving: Quantifying the Outcomes of Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Programs
Performance measures from the field show that Traffic Incident Management (TIM) improves detection, coordination, and response and clearance times while mitigating responder risk exposure. The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 03-108 project is developing guidance for quantifying and monetizing the outcomes of TIM strategies. In this interactive webinar, the presenters will share the state of practice for estimating TIM outcomes and offer State TIM perspectives for programs with varying levels of development and data collection capabilities. You are invited to share your experiences and future needs in demonstrating the value of TIM programs.
Length: 1.5 hrs.
Languages: English
Website: Link to URL
The webinar was held July 31, 2014. Webinar recordings can be viewed on the website above.
Topics: Incident Management; Performance Measurement