Toolbox of Low-Cost Work Zone Management Strategies
This webinar is geared towards engineers, technicians, and practitioners working for local and state DOTs who are interested in learning more about available low cost work zone strategies and their applications. This webinar includes:
- Introduction to low cost work zone strategies and overview of the toolbox
- MUTCD compliance and the FHWA experimentation process
- Guidance towards selection and use of low cost work zone strategies
- Example applications of low cost work zone strategies by DOTs
The presented material was developed under the 2016 Federal Highway Administration Work Zone Safety Grant No. 693JJ31750003 awarded to Iowa State University.
Length: 1 hr. 18 min.
Languages: English
Website: Link to URL
The webinar was held on December 17, 2020. The webinar recording can be viewed on the website above.* Presentation is also available.
*The link might not work in Internet Explorer. It is recommended to open it in Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge.
Topics: Countermeasures; Detection and Identification; Portable Traffic Signals; Temporary Pavement Markings; Temporary Rumble Strips; Temporary Traffic Control; Traffic Control Devices; Variable Speed Limit Systems; Work Zone Safety