TRB Webinar: Construction Project Staffing Strategies for Transportation Agencies
State transportation agencies are tasked with doing more to manage highway transportation networks with fewer staff. This webinar presented guidance for addressing workforce challenges within the construction industry. Presenters identified how agencies determine their construction staffing needs and explained how to allocate their state or consultant engineering and inspection staff and resources to highway construction projects. The guidance provides 35 specific staffing strategies that may help alleviate construction staffing challenges. This webinar draws on research from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Research Report 923: Workforce Optimization Workbook for Transportation Construction Projects.
Length: 1.5 hrs.
Languages: English
Website: Link to URL
This webinar was held on June 23, 2020. View the slides. Contact Reggie GIllum for a copy of the recorded webinar.
Topics: Road Construction; Road Construction Workers