4 Hour Flagging Training
During this 4-hour course students will be introduced to Federal and New York State policies, procedures and standards. Training will review general work zone safety principles covered in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) book, with concentration on recognition and prevent of hazardous conditions, and the topics discussed in this course provide a thorough understanding of the proper signals and safe flagging techniques specific to New York regulations, flagging procedures and proper use of required equipment, and how to coordinate traffic movement through the work zone. Students will have an opportunity to review flagging skills using hands-on training and classroom activities.
Students are required to complete 100% of the course and actively participate in all learning activities including hands-on demonstrations to receive the 4 Hour Flagging Certification ID card. This card is valid for 4 years.
Certification: Yes
Length: 4 hrs.
Languages: English; Spanish
Locations: New York (NY)
Website: Link to URL
Record Types: Courses and Programs
Topics: Flagging