In Colorado, cash incentives give contractors a reason to accelerate completion of a project. Restrictions are placed on when contractors can disrupt traffic. This may require work being done at … [Read more...] about Incentives/disincentives
Use of incentives/disincentives has been in practice in West Virginia for 7 or 8 years. It is now a design directive (DD). From DD 708: "An incentive/disincentive (I/D) contract provision used in a … [Read more...] about Incentives/disincentives
In regard to the use of incentives/disincentives, Arkansas goes by the federal MUTCD. Guidelines vary as conditions require. Incentive/disincentive measures are included in contracts. … [Read more...] about Incentives/disincentives
Adding up Motorist Costs
It happens all too frequently, sitting in idle cars waiting for traffic to thin or making long detours because of road construction. Motorists often call it frustrating - transportation officials have … [Read more...] about Adding up Motorist Costs
Estimating Road User Costs as a Basis for Incentive/Disincentive Amounts in Highway Construction Contracts
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) occasionally includes an incentive/ disincentive for early completion (I/D) in its construction contracts. This report presents the results of a … [Read more...] about Estimating Road User Costs as a Basis for Incentive/Disincentive Amounts in Highway Construction Contracts
Arizona Tackles Work Zone Delays
This article explains two innovative programs developed by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), a motorist assist patrol and a travel-time incentive program. ADOT used the new approaches … [Read more...] about Arizona Tackles Work Zone Delays