For the last decade, disaggregate modeling approach has been frequently practiced to analyze truck-involved crash injury severity. This included truck-involved crashes based on single and … [Read more...] about Assessment of Commercial Truck Driver Injury Severity Based on Truck Configuration Along a Mountainous Roadway Using Hierarchical Bayesian Random Intercept Approach
An Analysis of Motorcyclists’ Injury Severities in Work-Zone Crashes With Unobserved Heterogeneity
Work zone related crashes in Florida are increasing steadily in recent years. With such growing concern, work zone is recognized in Florida Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The severity and complexity … [Read more...] about An Analysis of Motorcyclists’ Injury Severities in Work-Zone Crashes With Unobserved Heterogeneity
Injury Severity of Truck-Involved Crashes in Work Zones on Rural and Urban Highways: Accounting for Unobserved Heterogeneity
Truck-related crashes in the work zones always resulted in severe injury outcomes. This paper analyses the injury severity of truck-involved crashes in the work zones based on a ten-year (2005–2014) … [Read more...] about Injury Severity of Truck-Involved Crashes in Work Zones on Rural and Urban Highways: Accounting for Unobserved Heterogeneity
Severity of Worker-Involved Work Zone Crashes: A Study of Contributing Factors
Despite the recent efforts to investigate crash severity, worker presence and its impact on injury severity in work zone crashes is still unexplored. A better understanding of work zone crash … [Read more...] about Severity of Worker-Involved Work Zone Crashes: A Study of Contributing Factors
Minnesota MNCrash Design and Training Research Development
This report includes research activities that focused on the MNCrash interface design and training. A series of usability tests was conducted on the existing MNCrash interface system to document … [Read more...] about Minnesota MNCrash Design and Training Research Development
Unobserved Heterogeneity and Temporal Instability in the Analysis of Work-Zone Crash-Injury Severities
In the state of Florida, work zone related crashes and their resulting injury severities have been increasing recently, particularly over the 2015 to 2017 time period. In the current study, … [Read more...] about Unobserved Heterogeneity and Temporal Instability in the Analysis of Work-Zone Crash-Injury Severities