In recent years, anti-icing and pre-wetting practices have been gradually accepted and adopted by the North American highway agencies. One of the greatest challenges of implementing these practices … [Read more...] about Anti-icing and Pre-wetting: Improved Methods for Winter Highway Maintenance in North America
Maintenance Practices
Pavement Resurfacing Intervals in Work Zone Optimization
Lane closures for highway resurfacing involve some intricate tradeoffs between the maintenance cost to highway agencies and the costs of delays and disruptions to motorists. Careful optimization of … [Read more...] about Pavement Resurfacing Intervals in Work Zone Optimization
Maintenance Manual
The Maintenance Manual is to present general practice and procedures for a uniform approach to maintaining the State highway system. The Manual is comprised of two volumes. Volume 1 describes the … [Read more...] about Maintenance Manual
Traffic Control for Field Operations
This manual contains information on temporary traffic control measures on the state highway system. It is applicable to incident management, maintenance, permit, and utility operations performed on … [Read more...] about Traffic Control for Field Operations
Utility Cuts in Paved Roads: Field Guide
This field guide focuses on making and restoring utility cuts in a timely and safe manner, with as little disruption of traffic and commerce as possible, and without leaving behind a defective … [Read more...] about Utility Cuts in Paved Roads: Field Guide
Maintenance Practices for Local Roads
Four volumes are included in this standard. Volume I - Maintenance Techniques: contains chapters on maintenance of the road surface, overlays and rehabilitation, drainage, traffic engineering and … [Read more...] about Maintenance Practices for Local Roads