The ability for agencies to notify vehicles that they are approaching a work zone has the potential to reduce crashes by increasing motorists’ awareness of the conditions. A critical element of this … [Read more...] about Guidance for Incorporating Work Zone Data Within Traffic Management Operations
Temporary Traffic Control
Mitigating Work-Zone Intrusion Risks
State departments of transportation dedicate considerable time and effort to creating safe driving and working conditions in roadway work zones. However, the prevalence and severity of crashes in work … [Read more...] about Mitigating Work-Zone Intrusion Risks
NJDHTS – Work Zone Safety Train-the-Trainer for Police (In-Person)
This training is designed for experienced police personnel who seek to become trainers in work zone traffic control. The NJDOT and other agencies require enforcement personnel to be trained when … [Read more...] about NJDHTS – Work Zone Safety Train-the-Trainer for Police (In-Person)
Variable Speed Limits Control for Smart Work Zone With Connected Vehicles
Freeway work zones with lane closures can cause traffic disruption and congestion with increased travel time, safety risks, and emissions. Variable speed limit (VSL) control has been widely studied to … [Read more...] about Variable Speed Limits Control for Smart Work Zone With Connected Vehicles
Webinar: Safe and Effective Use of Law Enforcement Personnel in Work Zones
This interactive webinar equips law enforcement personnel with key knowledge and skills to improve safety and reduce crashes in work zones. Participants will learn about temporary traffic control, … [Read more...] about Webinar: Safe and Effective Use of Law Enforcement Personnel in Work Zones