Caltrans Work Zone Speed Reduction Initiative
Abstract:In the last five years, over 3,000 people nationwide lost their lives in work zone collisions and more than 85 percent of them were the motoring public. Speed was a factor in 28 percent of those crashes. To end work zone fatalities, Caltrans is rolling out three new safety initiatives: to reduce work zone speeds, allow more space between workers and traffic, and expand work windows giving work crews more flexibility to work safer and get projects done faster, which means less impact to the public. In the first of three videos, Caltrans Public Information Officer Alisa Becerra will show you the importance of staying alert and reducing your speed in work zones.
Publisher: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Publication Date: April 24, 2019
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Speed Limits; Work Zone Safety; Worker Safety