Engineers Assess Self-Driving Vehicles to Reduce Mobile Work Zone Injuries
Abstract:A team of researchers from Mizzou Engineering has investigated the potential of using self-driving trucks as follower vehicles in mobile work zones to mitigate worker injuries. Henry Brown, a research engineer, presented their findings to the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), highlighting the concept of pairing manned leader vehicles with autonomous followers. The follower truck, equipped with obstacle detection systems and emergency controls, is controlled remotely by an operator in the leader vehicle. The study surveyed other states’ approaches to autonomous work vehicles, revealing varying levels of interest and implementation. MoDOT employees expressed optimism about the safety benefits of the leader-follower system, suggesting enhancements such as lane assist systems and additional cameras for traffic monitoring. Overall, the research suggests that autonomous follower vehicles have the potential to significantly improve work zone safety by reducing worker exposure to risk and enhancing driver focus. The final report, co-led by Professors Praveen Edara and Carlos Sun, will guide MoDOT’s decision-making process regarding implementation.
Publication Date: February 8, 2023
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: News and Other Non-research Articles
Topics: Connected Vehicles; Mobile Operations; Work Zone Safety; Work Zones; Worker Safety