Guidance Document on Temporary Traffic Management
Author/Presenter: Strnad, Bernd; Temmerman, Philip; Develtere, Annelies; Varhelyi, AndrasAbstract:
This report aims at providing information on principles that should be considered during planning, establishment and maintenance of work zones, and inspection works. An extensive literature review has been done within the project and some of the results, e.g. of previous CEDR-projects, are included in IRIS. However, not all findings of recent studies are mentioned, as the goal was to keep the report short and recommendations concise. The report builds on literature reviews, interviews with practitioners and experts in eight European countries (Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Slovenia, Sweden, and United Kingdom), and discussions with stakeholders. The report corresponds to the current situation. It does not cover probable future problems like the big topic of autonomous vehicles. These vehicles might pose a problem at work zones in the future, as autonomous vehicles, at current state, have difficulties in detecting road works where signage and road marking have not been sufficiently changed to reflect the layout during the work zone. On the other hand, remotely controlled vehicles and automation, that can be used to reduce exposure of road workers are included in possible measures to improve work zone safety.
Finally, the topic is not only covered from road user’s point of view. Safety at work zones includes aspects of work safety, thus some issues of road worker’s safety, human factors and recommendations for educational measures are also part of the report.
Publication Date: 2019
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Best Practices; Speed Control; Temporary Traffic Control; Worker Safety