Guidance: Use of Work Zone Clear Zones, Buffer Spaces, and Positive Protection Deflection Distances
Abstract:This document summarizes available guidance on the use of work zone clear zones, buffer spaces, and positive protection deflection distances. The purpose of this document is to help work zone designers and workers understand the role of separation distances and positive protection device deflection distances in safety for workers and motorists and how properly to install, maintain, and use these methods in various types of work zones. The document is organized into the following sections: Introduction, Types of Separation Distances, Clear Zones-Buffer Spaces, How Large Should Clear Zones and Buffer Spaces Be, Clear Zones and Lateral Buffer Spaces Without Positive Protection, Lateral Buffer Spaces When Barrier Are Used, and Longitudinal Buffer Spaces-Buffer Spaces for Short-Duration Maintenance Work Zones.
Publication Date: 2014
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Topics: Clear Zones; Temporary Traffic Control; Worker Safety