QuickZone 1.0: A Better Approach to Work Zone Planning
Abstract:How will the construction or rehabilitation project that you’re planning affect motorists’ What will be the costs of traveler delay caused by your project’ What might be the effect of contractor-suggested changes in the approved Traffic Control Plan’ QuickZone 1.0., a new software program available from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), can help answer those questions and more. QuickZone compares the traffic impacts for work zone mitigation strategies and estimates the costs, traffic delays, and potential backups associated with these impacts. For example, if a highway agency planned to widen a shoulder, QuickZone could estimate the costs of doing work at night instead of during the day or diverting the traffic to one road versus another road during different phases of construction. The costs, traffic delays, and potential backups can be estimated for both an average day of work and for the whole life cycle of construction.
Publisher: Federal Highway Administration
Publication Date: December 2001
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: News and Other Non-research Articles
Topics: Costs; Software; Traffic Delays