Speed Safety Camera Program Planning and Operations Guide
Abstract:The Speed Safety Camera Program Planning and Operations Guide (Guide) provides an update of the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) 2008 Speed Enforcement Camera Systems Operational Guidelines. Speed safety cameras (SSC), formerly referred to as speed camera enforcement or automated speed enforcement (ASE), is a proven safety tool that jurisdictions may use as part of a comprehensive speed management program to target speeding-related safety problems. The purpose of this Guide is to help jurisdictions plan, deploy, and operate SSC programs to improve safety and maintain program reliability and accountability. SSCs are inherently objective in enforcing speed limits but should be implemented carefully and with significant community input. Responsible public agencies should also maintain strong oversight to ensure the program maximizes the intended benefits to the public. This update places increased emphasis on ideas and considerations for planning in States that lack current authorization for SSC, and highlights recommendations to the States and U.S. DOT from the National Transportation Safety Board. The Guide incorporates updated research and practices from the U.S. and from international jurisdictions, including information on new technologies such as point-to-point (average speed-over-distance) systems. The Guide emphasizes SSC as one component of a comprehensive speed management program to be carefully applied. The Guide provides four new case studies on how five different jurisdictions in the United States have implemented or taken steps toward implementing programs.
Publication Date: January 2023
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Manuals, Policies, Guidelines, and Handbooks, etc.
Topics: Photo Enforcement; Speed Control; Video Cameras