The MUTCD on Pedestrian & Worker Safety
Author/Presenter: Lees, FredAbstract:
Chapter 6D of the Millennium Edition MUTCD, Pedestrian and Worker Safety, outlines many of the considerations that should be taken into account when planning and implementing accomodations for pedestrians in temporary traffic contol zones. Three tenets that should be stressed from the beginning of any project that may impact pedestrian movements are:
A. Pedestrians should not be led into conflicts with work site vehicles, equipment and operations.
B. Pedestrians should not be led into conflicts with vehicles moving through or around the work site.
C. Pedestrians should be provided with a safe, convenient path that replicates as nearly as practical the most desirable characteristics of the existing sidewalk(s) or footpath(s).
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Publisher: Maryland Transportation Technology Transfer Center
Publication Date: Spring 2002
Topics: Pedestrian Safety; Standards; Traffic Control Devices; Worker Safety