Work Zone Traffic Management in Rehabilitation of M-2
Author/Presenter: Adeel, Muhammad; Khurshid, Bilal Muhammad; Shakir, Kamran MalikAbstract:
Pakistan has a population of over 199 million and total road network of approximately 264,400 kilometers that serve about 16.2 million vehicles of all types. According to WHO estimates, there were approximately 30,000 annual Road Crash Fatalities (RCF) in Pakistan in year 2010. Work zone crashes account for significant proportion of all traffic crashes in Pakistan due to higher crash rate as compared to other parts of the highway network. Highway work zone is referred to road area where highway construction, maintenance or activity related to utility maintenance takes place. Workers in highway work zone are exposed to a variety of hazards and face risk of injury and death from construction equipment as well as passing motor vehicles. Safety measures and better understanding of risks involved while moving through the work zone have significant effects on the overall safety climate at work zones. Mismanaged work zone traffic increases the travel time delays, safety issues, vehicle operating costs (VOC) and other associated costs. Performance measures for the work zone traffic management includes user costs (travel time delay, crash cost, VOC), incident response and clearance time, queue length and community complaint. Different work Zone Traffic Management methodologies are being practiced worldwide and extensive research has been carried out at international level on country specific highway work zone safety but in Pakistan very few studies have been carried out on highway work zones. This research aims to critically analyze the impacts of the different Work Zone Traffic Management methods and recommend the best option for Expressways/Motorways in Pakistan. For the purpose of research, the author has selected a section of Motorway (M-2). Two different work zone traffic management methods are being followed in rehabilitation of M-2, i.e. Parallel/Adjacent Method and Median Cross-Over Method. Performance measures selected for purpose of analysis are Travel Time Delay, Crash Cost (Safety) and VOC and data collected on section of M-2. After critical analysis, it is concluded that Parallel/Adjacent Method results in lesser Travel Time delay and lesser VOC due to higher operating speeds and thus has higher savings, whereas Median Cross over Methods yield more Crash Cost savings. Keeping in view the driving habits/skills, poor maintenance of vehicles in Pakistan and risk of fatal accidents involved in parallel/adjacent method, median cross over method is preferred.
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
Publication Date: 2018
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Costs; Performance Measurement; Temporary Traffic Control; Traffic Delays