Avoiding Fatalities: Run Over by an Asphalt Roller
This video is part of series of animated videos, created by ARTBA as a part of the FHWA Cooperative Agreement DTFH61-11-H-00029 and the OSHA Cooperative Agreement SH-24861-13-60-F-11. This video series is based on actual fatalities as investigated by the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) and documented in NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) reports. The videos follow the course of the accident and subsequent fatality and provide recommendations designed to control or eliminate the identified risk.
A 20 year old road construction company flagman was crushed to death when he fell from and was subsequently run over by an asphalt roller. Taken from FACE summary — Nebraska FACE Investigation 94NE059
Publication Date: 2015
Length: 3 min. 1 sec.
Languages: English
Website: Link to URL
Record Types: Videos
Topics: Construction Equipment; Crash Investigation; Worker Safety