Fall Protection
On the subject of OSHA Fall Protection requirements for protection of employees, workers in local and state government, as well as construction firms can be subject to general industry regulations while performing some duties and construction industry regulations on other occasions. In addition, Federal OSHA has issued quite a number of fall protection interpretations that pertain, but are not included in these two books of OSHA regulations.
This class will provide an overview of these many different fall protection provisions, interpretations and grandfathered work environments. For many years, fall protection has been the #1 and #2 most frequently cited serious citations issued by Federal OSHA all across the U.S. Insurance companies report that fall protection is also the #1 cause of disabling injuries AND third-party litigation against general contractors and owners resulting from injuries on a jobsite. Fall protection is also #1 on the list of State and Federal OSHAs Focus Four hazards inspection program resulting in the impromptu ride-by compliance inspections of crews working on or near the road. One citation avoided or one lawsuit prevented can provide ample justification for sending all employees to this course.
Length: 1 day
Languages: English
Locations: North Carolina (NC)
Website: Link to URL
Record Types: Courses and Programs
Topics: Falls; Personal Protective Equipment; Standards; Worker Safety