Just in Time Video Series: Electrical Safety Near Utility Power Lines / Series de Videos Justo a Tiempo: Seguridad eléctrica Cerca de Líneas Eléctricas Aéreas
This video will help you understand the risks of using equipment with moving parts such as crane booms, bucket trucks, and ladders near overhead electrical power lines. / Este video lo ayudará a comprender los riesgos de usar equipos con partes móviles, como brazos de grúas, camiones con cangilones y escaleras, cerca de líneas eléctricas aéreas.
Provider: American Road & Transportation Builders Association
Publication Date: 2022
Length: 8 min. 52 sec.
Languages: Spanish
Website: Link to URL
Topics: Hazards; Maintenance Practices; Worker Safety
Publication Date: 2022
Length: 8 min. 52 sec.
Languages: Spanish
Website: Link to URL
Record Types: Videos
The English version is also available.
Topics: Hazards; Maintenance Practices; Worker Safety