Work Near Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections
Intersections traditionally represent an area of safety concern given conflicting movements that increase the frequency and severity of traffic crashes as compared to other road locations. This issue is often exacerbated by work zones, which may present a sudden and unfamiliar setting for motorists, particularly when considering the increased level of visual and cognitive complexity that intersections afford. While the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) provides some general guidance for intersection work zone applications, there are a myriad of issues that merit special consideration.
This training was developed to help agencies manage and evaluate intersection-related work zone activities in areas such as: MUTCD information related to work zones near intersections, work zones at or near innovative intersections, a practical checklist for work zone-related intersections, and work zone signal retiming opportunities.
Languages: English
Locations: ONLINE
Website: Link to URL
To register, go to the website above.
Topics: Intersections; Signalized intersections; Standards; Traffic Signal Timing; Work Zones