Intersections traditionally represent an area of safety concern given conflicting movements that increase the frequency and severity of traffic crashes as compared to other road locations. This issue … [Read more...] about Work Near Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections
Traffic Signal Timing
Effective Practices of Placing Work Zones in Innovative Intersection Types and in Signalized Intersections
This webinar is geared towards engineers, technicians, and practitioners working for local and state DOTs who are interested in learning more about effective traffic control practices when a work zone … [Read more...] about Effective Practices of Placing Work Zones in Innovative Intersection Types and in Signalized Intersections
A Signal Timing Optimization Model for the Intersection with the Island Work Zone
Work zones widely exist on city arterials of many countries, while the studies on the urban work zones are very limited. This paper focuses on a specific type of work zone that is located within the … [Read more...] about A Signal Timing Optimization Model for the Intersection with the Island Work Zone
INDOT Adjusts Traffic Lights to Ease Gridlock in Downtown Indy Because of I-65 Construction
The I-65 construction has caused a traffic gridlock in downtown Indianapolis. Frustrated commuters turned to Call 6 for help and Call 6 Investigates took their concerns to the city and the state. In … [Read more...] about INDOT Adjusts Traffic Lights to Ease Gridlock in Downtown Indy Because of I-65 Construction
Statistical Test for 85th and 15th Percentile Speeds with Asymptotic Distribution of Sample Quantiles
The 85th and the 15th percentiles are two parameters that are commonly used in traffic engineering and traffic safety. For example, 85th percentile speeds are used in setting speed limits and for … [Read more...] about Statistical Test for 85th and 15th Percentile Speeds with Asymptotic Distribution of Sample Quantiles
Optimal Work Zone Lengths and Signal Timing for Two-Lane Highways Revisited: The Need to Consider Stochasticity
Work zones can give rise to significant costs, both to maintenance agencies as well as to road users. In this paper we focus on the optimal configuration of work zones on two-lane highways. While … [Read more...] about Optimal Work Zone Lengths and Signal Timing for Two-Lane Highways Revisited: The Need to Consider Stochasticity